Bug Out 15,935 Seed Pack
Total grow your own pack to get yourself started with 15,935 seeds.
Seeds are packed fresh this year 2022. . Recommended to store in a cool environment away from extreme temperature changes and shifts. If you wish to keep the seeds long term store them at 2c. All seeds can be grown and used for seed harvest so the grower can harvest seed and maintain a crop without any issues. Items marked with * can be grown and eaten in under 35 days as a microgreen or sprouting product or left to mature.
Total grow your own pack to get yourself started with 15,935 seeds.
Seeds are packed fresh this year 2022. . Recommended to store in a cool environment away from extreme temperature changes and shifts. If you wish to keep the seeds long term store them at 2c. All seeds can be grown and used for seed harvest so the grower can harvest seed and maintain a crop without any issues. Items marked with * can be grown and eaten in under 35 days as a microgreen or sprouting product or left to mature.
Total grow your own pack to get yourself started with 15,935 seeds.
Seeds are packed fresh this year 2022. . Recommended to store in a cool environment away from extreme temperature changes and shifts. If you wish to keep the seeds long term store them at 2c. All seeds can be grown and used for seed harvest so the grower can harvest seed and maintain a crop without any issues. Items marked with * can be grown and eaten in under 35 days as a microgreen or sprouting product or left to mature.
Have a standard shelf life of 18 months after that time germination will drop from 87-90% by 10-14% annually
Witkiem Manita Broad Bean 50 Seeds
Firestorm Runner Bean 30 Seeds
Rocket Rocket 1000 Seeds *
Musselburgh Leek 300 Seeds
San Marzano Tomato 50 Seeds
Californian Wonder Sweet Papper 100 Seeds
Great Lakes Lettuce 500 Seeds *
Green Salad Bowl Lettuce 500 Seeds *
Dwarf Green Kale 300 Seeds
Nero Di Toscana Kale 200 Seeds
Red Russian Kale 200 Seeds *
Boltardy Beetroot 500 Seeds
Zucchini Courgette 10 Seeds
Wheelers Imperial Cabbage 300 Seeds
All Year Round Cauliflower 200 Seeds
Senshyu Yellow Onion 300 Seeds
White Lisbon Spring Onion 600 Seeds
Early Purple Sprouting Broccoli 800 Seeds
Snowball Turnip 1000 Seeds
Marketmore Cucumber 10 Seeds
Canton White Pak Choi 500 Seeds *
White Gem Parsnip 800 Seeds
Amsterdam Forcing Carrot 1000 Seeds
Oregon Sugar Pod Pea 200 Seeds
Butternut Squash 10 Seeds
Chinese Cabbage Microgreen 3000 Seeds *
Red Cabbage Microgreen 3000 Seeds *
Evesham Brussel Sprout 100 Seeds
Dior French Bean 75 Seeds
Cylindra Beetroot 500 Seeds
Total 15,935 seeds