Freeze dried meal 600 Kcal Pasta Bolognese
5 and 10 pack.
Great tasting traditional Italian Pasta Bolognese, made with the best freeze-dried ingredients.
5 and 10 pack.
Great tasting traditional Italian Pasta Bolognese, made with the best freeze-dried ingredients.
5 and 10 pack.
Great tasting traditional Italian Pasta Bolognese, made with the best freeze-dried ingredients.
0 (pepper%), 1 (basil%), 2 (oregano%), 3 (palm oil%), 4 (Italian style hard cheese%), 5 (hydrolysed vegetable protein%), 6 (marjoram%), 7 (HPV4BE%), 8 (chilli powder%), 9 (salt%), 10 (maltodextrin%), 11 (fructose%), 12 (onion powder%), 13 (garlic%), 14 (beef mince%), 15 (tomato%), 16 (virgin olive oil%), 17 (kibbled onion%), 18 (textured soya protein%), 19 (soya protein%), 20 (vegetable oil%), 21 (Durum wheat pasta (44%)%)
Typical Values: per 100g
Energy kcal 375.00
Fat 10.4
Carbohydrates 49.6
Sugar 4.4
Protein 20.0
Salt 0.5